1ère journée nationale du neurofeedback

Conf program The 1st french conference on neurofeedback took place on january 19, 2016 at the Institut du Cerveau et de la Moëlle épinière (ICM), Paris. Though the first demonstrastion of classical conditioning of the human EEG dates back to the 1930s and is attributed to french neurophysiologists Gustave Durup and Alfred Fessard, french researchers have been wary of neurofeedback technology and concept for a very long time. Indeed neurofeedback suffered for a long time from the reputation of a pseudoscience because the studies were not well designed and because even without enough scientific proof of its efficacy and understanding of its mechanisms, the technology started to spread among practitioners. However during the last 15 years, neurofeedback research has started to become more rigorous, partly thanks to the emergence of fMRI-neurofeedback. It is only very recently that neurofeedback has started to regain interest from the french research community. This event organized by the NExT (Neurofeedback Evaluation & Training) section of the French Association of Biological Psychiatry and Neuropsychopharmacology (AFPBN) is an important step for the french neurofeedback community. The program can be found here. This article presents a summary of this day. During the poster session, I presented the Hemisfer project (Hybrid Eeg-MrI and Simultaneous neuro-feedback for brain Rehabilitation) on which I am working. You can find the poster here.